
Hometown Rewards

Smile! Members get FREE fries.

Hometown Rewards members get FREE fries!

The Irving Big Stop has introduced NEW always crispy, always delicious fries – and we want Hometown Rewards members to try them for FREE!

To get your FREE fries, follow these steps:

  1. Visit any Irving Big Stop Restaurant in Atlantic Canada
  2. Go to the Rewards tab in the Hometown Rewards app
  3. Tap on the FREE fries reward when you are ready to order
  4.  Start the 5-minute reward timer and show your server
  5. Enjoy your FREE always crispy fries!

Not a Hometown Rewards member? 
Get the app and sign up now

Offer valid April 15, 2024 to June 2, 2024, at Irving Big Stop locations in Atlantic Canada. You must first download the Hometown Rewards mobile application, create an account, and link your AIR MILES® collector number in the app to become a Hometown Rewards member. Hometown Rewards members will then receive a coupon for one free fry appetizer. No additional purchase is necessary. Coupon can only be used once. Once coupon countdown is displayed, Hometown Rewards member will have 5 minutes to scan coupon to receive the offer. Irving Oil limited reserves the right to make changes to this offer and to terminate the offer at any time, for any reason and without notice. Void where prohibited by law.