Route 1 Big Stop
For more than 20 years, Ray Campbell and his wife Louise have owned and operated our Route 1 Big Stop in Rothesay, NB – serving a taste of home on the road for locals, travellers and Professional Drivers alike.
With most customers and short-haul Professional Drivers hailing from the local community, Ray and his staff know many by name. He’s seen families grow and later bring in their own children.
Whether they’re in for a meal – such as the ever-popular Traditional Breakfast or Seafood Platter – or stopping in to pick up a chocolate cake with boiled frosting for a special occasion, Ray has just one wish for his customers: “I want their tummies to be full, and for them to be happy with the service they received.”

Salisbury Big Stop
Steven Lavoie, owner and operator of our Salisbury Big Stop, “The Silver Fox,” has been working in the family business since he was 14. Working alongside his father – who owned several Moncton-area Irving Oil locations – Steven learned the ins and outs of the business, from pumping gas to preparing customer favourites in the kitchen.
While the Salisbury Big Stop tends to welcome customers travelling across southern New Brunswick on their way throughout the Maritimes, he has enjoyed getting to know his local customers. The stop has always offered a taste of home on the road for Professional Drivers as well.
The Silver Fox gets its name from the iconic animal that put Salisbury, NB, on the map for its fox ranching in the 1920s and 1930s.

Lincoln Big Stop
A central hub for travellers and commuters of all kinds, the Lincoln Big Stop on the Trans-Canada Highway near Fredericton, NB, offers comfort food when you need it most.
With popular menu options ranging from Corned Beef & Cabbage to Fish & Chips, the “Blue Canoe” has been providing road-trippers, locals and Professional Drivers a taste of home on the road since 2002.
“Everyone can use a little comfort,” says owner Linden Fenety, who operates the Big Stop with his wife, Beth. “When we see people coming together, taking time to enjoy a meal, we hope it helps, even a little.”